
Research brief: PS gene-editing shown to restore neural connections lost in brain disorder

A new study demonstrates ability for gene therapy to repair neural connections for those with a rare genetic brain disorder.

Research brief: Mapping deadly oak wilt disease from space to protect our forests

New research looks at satellite imagery data to protect our forests from oak wilt.

Research brief: Using fire to revive a fragmented prairie landscape

Researchers look at how fires affect pollination in isolated remnants of prairie in United States.

Healing the wounded mountain

Maowei Liang reflects on what led him to ecological research.

Increasing classroom inclusivity

CBS faculty look to grow expertise in inclusive teaching practices through Inclusive Excellence Fellows Program.

Caught adrift in a changing climate

Neha Mohanbabu investigates the effects of global stressors on prairie seed dispersal.

Love on the (lion) brain

Jessica Burkhart investigates oxytocin as a resource for facilitating lion introductions.

Modeling microbial complexity

Will Harcombe combines experimental and computational models to decode complex microbial interactions.

Clever fly offers lessons on advanced predator adaptations

Researchers find why the saffron robber fly doesn't often make hunting mistakes.

Is broadly targeted sexual behavior a mistake?

When these crickets come a’courting, they’re far from fussy – and these UMN researchers say that’s evolutionarily OK.