College news

Following where her curiosity leads

Being encouraged to explore her interests beyond the bench shaped biotechnology executive Julia Hatler’s professional path.

A tipping point

The future of above-ground carbon hangs in the balance between two types of wood-rotting fungi.

The Not-So-Gentle Bonobos

New research reveals the surprising role of aggression among a close human relative.

Rx for Earth’s Lakes

New study looks at freshwater threats through a human health lens.

Changing minds

Madelyn Blake launched a nonprofit to bring evidence-based education about addiction to high school students.

Putting the humans in healthcare

CBS alum Tseganesh Selameab is working at the leading edge of a movement to center people and community in medicine.

The technicolor world of life after glaciers

Mariana Cardenas investigates the lichens adapting to South America’s mountain summits.

All in good cheer

The annual Golden Pipettes ceremony recognized 10 CBS faculty and staff members for their contributions to student life.

A science-centered getaway

Qianna Xu walks away from a week-long ecology workshop in Japan with a new network and a fresh perspective.

Coming to conclusions

More than 100 CBS students' research projects were on full display at this year's Undergraduate Research Symposium.