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Students conducting research at Itasca

Spring 2023 BIO

Nature of Life turns 20, groundbreaking discoveries and more!

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As a college student, Dr. Lexy von Diezmann was captivated by how the material world could be understood by…
An early interest in studying evolution drew Dr. Arslan Zaidi to his research in population genetics. During…
Growing up on a dairy farm in eastern Wisconsin, Jason Tennessen (Ph.D., 2007) wondered why calves stop…
Come January each year, the world of entertainment launches into a season of awards and celebrity sightings…
Jan Norrander’s ties to the College of Biological Sciences (CBS) go back 50 years. Starting as an…
For Pu Wang, the classroom represents opportunity. Walking into an active learning classroom in Bruininks…
Part of the college experience is attaining knowledge through coursework or reading up on some of the latest…
Metformin, one of the most prescribed medications in the world, is finding its way into our wastewater. The…
As Tom Niehaus rushed a cow heart from the campus barn to his lab across the street, its cells were quickly…